Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My First Day

When we first left on the train at 10:20am, I felt nervous and excited at the same time. It was a bubbly type of feeling, kind of like the butterflies in your stomach. The train ride was 2 hours long. It was such a relief to get off. But then came the hard work. We walked to 6th Avenue and 34th Street, got on the subway, and rode it to 59th Street. Then we walked a few more blocks and Bam! There it was, Alvin Ailey Studios. It was a big glass building. When I walked into the studio, I was nervous. But the people in the studio were nice. In the beginning, I did some singing. Then I had a break, did some more singing then a break. On my second break I knew how much work I had to put in to live through this role. There were a few people that I met there. I met my Wrangler, Vocal Coach, Music Director, and my Stage Director. For now I just work by myself so I can get my acting down pact. I was sort of lonely today but I won’t be for long. My Nala comes next week. Over all I love this role. TTYL



  1. Glad you got through the first day jitters. You'll be fine---you'll have to sing for me when I see ya in school! Eat your wheaties----sounds like your going to need your strength. Enjoy! XO

  2. Hope u have a wonderful time on Broadway!!!! u rock =) shine on the center stage and take the audience's breath away.

    From Marielle( daughter of Mrs. B or as i pronounce it mommy) good luck)

  3. You will be an excellent Simba, and I can't wait to see your performance. We are all so proud of you!!
