Thursday, December 17, 2009

Math is Not That Hard After All

Yesterday I had a rehearsal. We rehearsed the Grasslands scene. We changed alot of things in that scene. After rehearsal, Jeremy and I went to Dave & Busters. We won 2,168 tickets on one game. That's the most tickets I've ever won. We were dancing around the machine every time we won the bonus amount of tickets. The people in there were looking at us like we were crazy. I had so much fun. When we got to the theatre, we showed Niki all of the things we got from the prize store. Today, my mom taught me some math techniques on the train going to work. It really helped me figure out the value of fractions and decimals. I was happy when I caught on and I was able to figure the problems out. Suddenly it was so easy. Thanks Mom. I had rehearsal at Ripley Grier today also. We rehearsed our scenes with Mufasa. We didn't change much though. After rehearsal, Jeremy and I went to the movies to see Planet 51. The movie was super hilarious. I loved the movie. Today's show was great. TTYL


1 comment:

  1. As a parent, I tried to teach my children with the basic Math using educational toys such as Abaccus. Sometimes I go to Toy stores to see if there are new toys that can help me and my children improve their understanding with the subject.
