Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas In New York

Yesterday was one of my favorite Christmas days. We are staying in a hotel in New York for the Christmas weekend. We didn't open as many gifts because we did not want to have to carry a whole bunch of gifts home. We will open the rest of the gifts on Sunday when we go home. We also went to see the Radio City Christmas Show and the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree. The show was amazing. My favorite part of the show was when they did a 3-D flight on Santa's sleigh. The tree was beautiful and big. There were alot of people at the tree. But I still had a good view so I could marvel at the gigantic tree. When we were leaving the tree, a car was trying to go through the people walking. This man hit the top on the car so hard that we thought he had dented the hood. The man yelled at the driver then the driver rolled down the window and started yelling back. It was crazy! We ate at Park Ave Cafe and this comedian named Jackie Mason came in. He sat right next to us. People were asking him for his autograph even while he was eating. My mom told me that I should watch how he handles himself because I may have to experience the same thing. Today I was so tired that I thought it was Sunday. By the time it was 12:00pm I realized that it was Saturday. We got to leave the hotel so much later because we did not have to catch the train. That's another plus about staying here. At work, I did not know I had the morning show. I pulled myself together and I prepared to go on. Between shows my family and I went to a new place called Dukes. I got my food from the mini buffet. They had good food. The second show went well and now my dad and I are going back to the hotel to join my sisters and my mom. TTYL


1 comment:

  1. Your Mother is a very wise lady. Christmas in NY City must be amazing. Hope the rest of your holiday is magical!

    PS...I actually saw Jackie Mason perform in NY with my cousins for my Uncle's Birthday several years ago. He is VERY funny.

    Love, Mrs. B
