Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Winter Wonderland

Today was the best day ever. At the theatre, I couldn’t wait to get home to play in the snow. My mom watched the show today and that made me get even more excited. After the show, I watched the transition between no snow in New York and lots of snow in New Jersey. The farther the train went the more snow I saw. When I got home, I made a snow man with my cousin and my sister. It was the best snow man that we ever made. It was really tall. I love it. I had lots of fun today and I have no school tomorrow. Yes, Yes, Yes!. TTYL



  1. Hello Alphonso,
    I have been fallowing your blogs. I read the Trentonian every day and before I exit out of the web page I make sure to swing by, to see if you have wrote anything else in your blogs. I think it is amazing how you have so much talent at such a young age. For the most part I live in Morrisville, but my in laws live in Trenton, and my son's cousins go to PJ Hill also. I am also a big fan of Broadway shows, so I find your stories very interesting considering the fact that you live so close. For my mothers birthday last year I bought her tickets to go see a West Side Story. We enjoyed it so much, that this year I bought her tickets to go see the Lion King. I will be going with her, and I was wondering your show schedule, hoping that maybe I have a chance to see you perform. If you could post on your next blog your schedule of when you do your shows, I would appreciate it so much. I am looking forward to maybe catching you in our show. Keep up the good work. God Bless

  2. hi alphonso i am going to see the lion king on february 27, 2010 for a matinee i was just wondering if u are going to be performing that day. If u r that would be great i live in hamilton nj a couple minutes away from trenton.
    Ive been reading ur daily blogs and just want to tell u 2 stay confindent and keep up the great work ur so talented. srry it says anonymous i dont have a account
